Friday, December 12, 2014

The Abominable Snowman ( 1957 )

An Outstanding Drama-Horror

Survival in the harsh environment of the Himalayas and the relationship between the characters is in the forefront giving the viewer a damned good drama. The search for the yeti brings in the sci-fi horror.  This movie is well worth watching - if for nothing else the drama itself.

This is definitely one of Peter Cushing's best films and performances. I quite enjoyed him as Dr. Rollason. If you are into Peter Cushing movies or just love older horror films then I highly recommend this film - it is one of the better horror films of the 50's.

If you are looking for blood and guts type of horror you will want to look for another movie. But if you are looking for a great movie with an awesome script, character interaction, and a suspenseful horror then look no further than this film.


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