Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tales of Terror (1962)

Three Chilling Tales of Terror

Three stories based on Poe's tales: Morella, The Black Cat and The Case of M. Valdemar. It's been years since I've seen this film and watching it again I must say all three tales are just as good as I remembered them to be. Worth watching if you enjoy the classic horror movies. Now why this film's genre is labeled as comedy I don't know - it's is NOT a comedy. The only thing comical is Peter Lorre's performance as the drunk.

All three are types of ghost stories - but the last one maybe a spirit/zombie story would be a way to describe it.

Morella - A woman who died a few months after giving birth to her daughter. She blamed her on daughter while lying on her deathbed. This tale is pretty good but needed a bit more to tie in why the daughter is dying.

The Black Cat - A drunken man that no longer cares for his wife nor his cat - for he has fallen in love with booze. His wife falls for another man. In the end, the black cat and the ghost of the lovers will get their revenge on the boozer. I loved this ending! Quite wicked - and mainly due to that vengeful cat!

The Case of M. Valdemar - A mesmerizer with intentions of marrying the dead patients wife while he holds the dead man's spirit captive. This one is quite bizarre - and quite an ending as the mesmerism is broken.

Well performed by all. It goes without saying that Vincent Price is excellent as always in all three chilling tales. Peter Lorre plays the drunken Montresor quite comically (the only tale sprinkled with comedy). And Basil Rathbone is superb as the twisted mesmerizer Carmichael.


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