Monday, December 22, 2014

Rasputin: The Mad Monk (1966)

It's Not What I Was Hoping For

 Is this film a biography? I would say no because it would be a lot closer to being accurate than it really is. Is this film a history film? Yes because they used a historical figure to center a mainly fictional story around.
I'm sure the film is great fun as long as you do not take it as historical fact - it's just very loosely based on Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin's story.

I guess I was looking for more historical accuracy within the film - it had very little accuracy - so I was not pleased with the movie. This is not to say the film is a bad film - because it's not meant to be taken seriously - just not what I was personally hoping it would be.

I had to fast-forward a few times to watch a bit then fast-forward again to the ending. How the real life Rasputin died is quite different than this film.

I would say watch the film if you want Rasputin as a character in a fictional story - you might enjoy it then. But if you want a bit more accuracy this is not the film for you.

Search out Discovery Channel: Rasputin: The Devil in The Flesh ( 2010 ) for a good documentary on Rasputin.


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