Tuesday, December 16, 2014

House of Usher (1960)

A Wonderful Poe Film Adaptation

A wonderful film adaptation of Poe's story "The Fall of the House of Usher".  Richard Matheson's screenplay does in fact bring Poe's short story perfectly to life on the silver screen - the film is excellent.

I love the sets, costuming and the morbid atmosphere as well as a superior cast. The dream sequence is one of the most beautifully filmed - it is as eerie as I have ever seen.

In the end, we are left to wonder if this "curse" is all in the mind, you know simply believing it to be true and is curable by letting go, forgetting the past and living in the now (Philip Winthrop's idea). OR is it something that runs in the family genes and cannot be cured - completely doomed (Roderick Usher's belief). I believe we are left to ponder this.

In my belief: Madeline Usher (Fahey) would have been "cured" if she would have never gone back to The House of Usher - she should have at least left with her fiancee Philip Winthrop (Damon) then she would have lead a normal life with Philip. Roderick Usher (Price) might have "snapped out of it" as well if he had left and forgot all about the house and family's history. Basically I believe that Philip Winthrop was correct and that Madeline Usher was driven to "madness" by her brother Roderick Usher in the end.  But I am still left to ponder this mystery.


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