Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Urban Cowboy (1980)

A Country-Western Drama

This movie is more of a cult classic film these days. I have to say it is a pretty good story and a movie that is sorely overlooked. This movie is more than just some country-western bar room flick - it actually has a good story. If you like a romantic drama then you should like this film.

I will have to say that the soundtrack is pretty good and I actually like some of the songs played in this movie. I grew up with this soundtrack in the home - one of the few country-western vinyl albums in the house. So this movie brings back some personal teenage memories.

If you liked Travolta in the classic films "Grease" or "Saturday Night Fever" then you might like "Urban Cowboy".

I would rate the movie 7/10 but since I have personal memories attached I will rate the film: 

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