Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Underworld: Awakening (2012)

Somewhat Disappointing
Out of the 4 Underworld films, Awakening is the worst. Awakening is a good film but there are a couple of things that makes this one my least favorite and somewhat disappointing to me: One thing is Michael is not in the film and the first two films built Michael up to be a very important hybrid. Another disappointing thing is that the story lacks quite a bit -- it's just not as interesting as the other films (even with an added element: a daughter by Selene and Micheal). I also disliked the "super lycan" - that was just a bad (bunk) idea to me. Don't get me wrong Awakening is worth watching but it's just not as good as the first three films. Maybe I was just expecting something else from this 4th installment and that is why I was somewhat (but not completely) disappointed with this film.


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