Thursday, October 23, 2014

Toy Story (1995)

Not As Good As I Was Hoping

This is another one of my "I should like this movie better than I do" films. It has an all-star voice-over cast (which I like all of them) - and that is the merit to this film and the story is cute and fun. I did get a few laughs out of the movie so I will not knock the film.

So what is it about the film I dislike?  The toys - not the actors voicing them - the toys themselves. All of the toys except for Rex (the T. Rex toy). I did enjoy the toon Rex - he was quite the comedy act. Mr. Potato Head was OK in the film but I never liked the toy as a kid - just boring to play with. The rest of the toys (or similar types) never interested me as a kid so they do not appeal to me in this film.

It's a shame that I am not keen on this film since I really enjoyed films like "Monsters, Inc.", "Shrek" and "Chicken Run".


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