Thursday, October 23, 2014

Song of the South (1946)

Unfairly Criticized

This is a very good movie. In all honesty I think that if James Baskett (Uncle Remus) felt in any way this movie was racist then he would have never accepted the role (just my opinion). And he was so wonderful as the story-teller Uncle Remus! Uncle Remus is really is a wholesome character, with good morals and a wonderful teacher.

Segregation was alive and well during the time of this film - and what is so good about the film - it shows how people of different races and backgrounds can come together. There *might be* an underlying and deeper message to this film - we can desegregate ourselves and live in peace with one another.

On a lighter note - there is a fun yet meaningful cartoon withing the live-action picture. Plus this film contains one of Disney's most popular and famous songs 'Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah"


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