Monday, October 20, 2014

Play Misty for Me (1971)

A Brilliant Thriller

It's been a long time since I have seen this film. I remember loving this movie but had forgotten most of the film so I re-watched it. I can tell you "now I remember exactly why I loved this film - it is a brilliant edge-of-your-seat thriller". Well worth watching if you are into crime, mystery, thrillers and romance. This movie is creepy right from the start but keeps getting better and better. A real horror movie.

Jessica Walter plays Evelyn - she is a very convincing actress and played the role of Evelyn so perfectly well. She kept me afraid of what she might do next. I will admit. I wanted the character (Evelyn) dead about half way through the film... she got on my nerves because the character is very much a psycho.

Clint Eastwood is good as usual - and was great in this film. (It's nice to see him without a gun in his hand in a movie). He played the role of Dave, the disc jockey, who ends up attracting the wrong woman in his life (Evelyn). His voice is very sexy in this film - so you can "hear" why Evelyn was attracted to his voice over the radio. I felt sorry for Dave throughout the movie.

Donna Mills plays Tobie - Dave's love interest. Tobie I felt bad for too... she is a completely innocent victim.

The entire cast is so good! Everyone is great in this movie - seems all the actors had their heart and soul into making this wonderful film.

This is a great late night movie - but watch it without distractions because you will not want to miss anything.


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