Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cujo (1983)

A Realistic Type of Horror

Rabies is reality. And it is also reality that not everyone will have their animal vaccinated for rabies. That is what makes Cujo a realistic type of a horror film. Rabies does horrible things to animals (even humans) so this why I find this movie so horrifying - realistic horror.

I can't believe how underrated this film is on IMDb. I don't understand it. It is a one of the best horror movie classic films ever made due to the fact something like this is a possibility - not likely to happen just like the movie but the threat of being bitten by a rabid animal is something that can happen and has happened to some people and beloved pets.

Rabies is not a joking matter - and maybe this is what makes Cujo such a powerful film. It brings awareness of having your pet(s) vaccinated.

I was 11 when this film came out - another long time favorite movie of mine.


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