Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Moon (2009)

The Best Sci-Fi in Years!

Outstanding! Brilliant! A jaw-dropping movie. Perfect from start to finish. A must not miss movie. The story is just too good to miss out on.  I almost cried at the end of the movie... I was blown away.


I was totally blown away with the unique concept and combination of cloning and space. I must say this is a very plausible scenario, something like this could happen in the future - and that is scary!

The movie raises ethical questions concerning clones: "Are they less than human than a natural born human?" "Are they human at all?" "Should clones be used in labor to replace humans in dangerous jobs?" "Are they anywhere near the same person that they were cloned from?" -- many more questions come to mind.

On a personal note: I side with the clones. My heart was bleeding for them. I felt it was totally unfair to them... they are humans.


I think a bonus to the movie is it has an over all retro look and feel to the film. I really liked that.


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