Friday, July 4, 2014

History of the World: Part I (1981)

History at it's Funniest

Another great film from the humorous world views of Mel Brooks. This film is a skit comedy. Skits that give us  funny and twisted snapshots of world history that most of us are familiar with.

With Brooks' film, you can see the comical side of "well history may have happened this way". Who knows; I'm sure the people in our history books may have had some funny accidents like falling off their chair (a la America's Funniest Home Videos) or some other comical moment in their life. Looking at it like this gives Brooks' film a bit more humor and maybe a bit more realistic view of the famous people from history that is painted having no humorous follies. Remember they were only
humans after all so "happy accidents" and funny moments could have really occurred to them.


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