Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Brave New World (1998)

A Wonderful Film Adapation

I loved the film adaptation of the book. The changes are not bad and the movie still get's Huxley's point across how technology and tyrannical power mixed together can be a devastation to society as a whole as well the individuality of humans. It also clearly shows the mundane emptiness of life when the thoughts, feelings and emotions of love are eradicated from society minus Bernard Marx who helps to show us that.

The idea of a future where the government controls all your thoughts, feelings, emotions, habits, movements, love-life and more through technology and their own love of power and control is well done in this film adaptation of Huxley's Brave New World.

The film and book will leave you with thought-provoking questions and help one to define their own beliefs: total freedom, total control, or somewhere in between.

Note: If you like this film then you may like  THX 1138 (1971) 


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