Monday, June 23, 2014

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

 Delightful Classic

The Wizard of Oz is a long time favorite of mine. One I used to watch every Easter with my family. It is a delightful classic film.

This film I believe most all movie watchers have seen and have drawn their own conclusions as to whether or not they like the film.

I know of hard-core blood and gore fans that enjoys The Wizard of Oz due to it's darker tones (witches, wizards and evil flying monkeys). And there are others that I know of that prefer a more "wholesome" style to their films which include this movie. Really this film brings together people who are basically different from each other - from hard-cores all the way to wholesome - not many movies have this capability.


IMDb: The Wizard of Oz (1939)

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