Friday, June 27, 2014

The Village (2004)

A Different Kind of Horror

When I saw the advertising for the movie I thought "wow this looks pretty good" and then it came on TV one night - I had to watch it. The movie is better than the previews had me thinking it would be. A wonderful film.

The Village is not a visual hack-them-up gore-fest like Saw (for example) nor is it a ghost story, it not a creepy-kid horror film and it is not a monster movie. Instead The Village is good story - within the story lies a horror which is plausible. The movie is a group of people wanting to get away from all the bad things in mainstream modern society and go back to a simpler, more peaceful way of living - or so they thought - and that is where the horror lies... away from modernism.

The entire cast was wonderful in this movie! The costumes and scenery are beautiful. And the story, the story is haunting - a must see different kind of horror film.

Personal Note: I think the movie is underrated on IMDb. And it's one of my all time favorite films.


IMDb: The Village (2004)

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