Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Invisible Man (1933)

A Chilling Classic

How many of us have dreamed we could be invisible, if only for awhile... What would you do? Murder? Play the role of a prankster? Just listen and watch others? Run naked down the street knowing you could not be seen? The possibilities are almost endless if we could turn ourselves invisible and one of the reasons this movie is fascinating!

This movie is actually quite comical at times - and other times chilling, very scary to watch and ponder. I loved the story and how it plays out. Claude Rains did a great job in this role - yet mainly just a voice that we hear.

The special effects are awesome for a film from 1933 - top notch for it's day!

Yet another movie I like for late night viewing.


IMDb: The Invisible Man (1933)

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