Monday, June 30, 2014

The Crow (1994)

Not Just For Goths! 

A nice Gothic-styled film of murder and revenge. It is a thrilling action film that seems to be praised by most lovers of goth and should not be ignored by those that are not found of the goth movement. People that enjoy crime action movies or superhero type of films can also appreciate "The Crow". It's not just for goths!

The film's sets are incredible - lending a helping hand to the overall darkness of the of the story. The acting is good - and not just Brandon Lee - but the whole cast.

The story is great! How many of us would like a second chance at life as well to get revenge on those that murdered you and your fiancée?! That is exactly what The Crow is about - revenge!

A great prime-time movie that keeps the memory of Brandon Lee alive.


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