Monday, June 23, 2014

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

George Lucas' Best!

In 1980 I was 8 years old... I still have vague memories of standing outside the movie theater waiting to get in to the (then) new film. I was so excited I could hardly stand still. Once inside the theater I saw what was to become my favorite movie in the Star Wars Saga!

The plot thickens in this sci-fi saga as we learn more about the young Luke Skywalker and the vile Darth Vader as well a budding romance between Leia Organa and Han Solo. The movie also revels a little more about Han Solo's past with the introduction of new characters Lando Calrissian, Lobot and the Bounty Hunters (in particular Boba Fett). We are also introduced to the wise Jedi master Yoda.

I will not say more due to the fact I do not want to spoil the film for any first time viewers. All I can say it find a copy, watch and enjoy one of the most exciting and historical science fiction films ever made.


IMDb: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

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