Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Repulsion (1965)

Sexual "Repulsion"

Carol (Catherine Deneuve) is a very sick woman with the good girl vs bad girl complex. She wants to be the good girl but has the repressed desire to be the bad girl. This good/bad girl complex causes her mental state to deteriorate into madness as she becomes "repulsed" at the idea of any and all sexual activities - including a simple kiss. Carol's condition gets worse when her sexually active sister leaves home for awhile and Carol finds herself all alone at home. Carol becomes "deadly" serious about her sexual "Repulsion".

The movie is an artsy film with a very interesting story to get into. Catherine Deneuve's wonderful portrayal of Carol is enough for me to recommend this movie to anyone that likes a good psychological thriller movie.


IMDb: Repulsion (1965) 

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