Monday, June 23, 2014

Legend of the Werewolf (1975)

A Good Old Wolf-Man Film!

Out of the vault: Legend of the Werewolf is a classic tale of the "wolf-man".

Legend of the Werewolf should come "out of the vault" and back in circulation of good horror films to watch! I feel this movie is a must see among those of us interested in lycanthropy.

Peter Cushing is at his finest in this film! Cushing's role as Prof. Paul the corner playing detective is reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes (which he played in a 1964-68 TV series). He is one of the main attractions in this movie outside of the werewolf Etoile.

I think the special effects were great for an older film. The acting and the costuming is superb and an interesting story to go with it all.

The red filter on the camera lens actually enhances the film - giving it a terrifying look and feel to the action.

For me, the most gut-wrenching scene is when Etoile was forced to beat the wolves... it was like he was made to kill his own family.

The ending was very sad. All Etoile wanted was some help for his condition - Prof. Paul was willing to give him all the help he was able to give. I will say no more as I do not want to spoil the ending for those who have not seen the film.


IMDb: Legend of the Werewolf (1975)

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