Monday, June 23, 2014

Crimson Winter (2013)

A Beautiful Vampire Film without all the 

"High Dollar Special Effects".


This movie was a beautiful Vampire film. I never expected it to be this good. It is real Gothic. If you want a film full of CGI effects then this movie is not for you - this movie has more realism than most high dollar Hollywood films because it is not filled out with CGI effects. This movie did not need a bunch of fight scenes with effects to make it good - because the story was good.

Also, the scenery and costuming is to die for as well as nice casting/acting and a good story. I loved the ending - the falcon (that is all I will say with out giving the story away).

On the subject of language: Yes the movie is in English. Very very little of the movie is in French and Latin. A copy I watched of this film online had no subtitles for the foreign languages BUT I now own a copy of the film and the DVD does in-fact have the subtitles.

And would LOVE to see a sequel! (They could leave what happens next to our imagination or create a part two.) 

 I give this one a 10/10. Truly Gothic (realism) without Hollywood glitz and glamour.  

IMDb: Crimson Winter (2013)


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