Sunday, June 29, 2014

Cop Land (1997)

A Deeply Engrossing Thriller

What a sorely underrated film on IMDb! Cop Land is one of Sylvester Stallone's best films and performances!

When I first saw Cop Land I wanted to see it only because "Sly" Stallone was was in the starring role . I had not a clue as to who else was casted in the film nor did I care at the time. All I knew is that I wanted to see Stallone in a dramatic role as a cop and so I did. This is one of those films I figured that I would like somewhat but never knew the film was going to blow-my-mind - it's good! It quickly became a favorite movie for me.

I found Cop Land to be an excellent thrill-riding action-packed drama that is good enough to keep almost anyone deeply engrossing in the film.


Cop Land (1997) 

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