Monday, February 6, 2017

Reefer Madness (1936)

Stupid & Boring - Not Funny At All

Why do I have a feeling that even a 1930s audience would be bored to tears with this one? The crowd of folks that watched it back then... I just can't see many of them actually liking this film or even paying attention to it.

I watched "Cocaine Fiends" aka "Pace That Kills" (1935) right before this one. One is just as crappy as the other. Boring stories that drags on and drags on. I realize that in the 1930s they thought they were doing right by creating these films - but they are terrible for then and now.

I guess some people find humor in this movie, but I couldn't. I'll watch a Cheech and Chong movie for mowie-wowie humor instead.


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