Monday, February 6, 2017

The Pace That Kills (1935)

Bland Film - Lots of Talk

WOWSERS! You will to snort some cocaine to stay wake to watch this bland, very talky film. Your other choices: go to sleep, find another movie that better than this (most any other film will do) or find something else to do. This is just a terrible film - not because it's anti-drugs, but because it's just a boring story.

She has a headache, he gives her some of his "headache medicine", her head feels better and not long after that she is hooked on the cocaine and the man that gave it to her. Soon her brother starts getting hooked on it. Ya know, the usual stuff we see in these types of film but this film must the the lamest on the subject.

Do yourself a favor, find another film or use this one to fall asleep by... you aren't missing anything.


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