Saturday, March 5, 2016

Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (1969)

Excellent Sci-Fi Horror

This is one of the best films of the Peter Cushing Frankenstein series. I found it to be superior to parts 3 & 4 (just my personal taste in films). This 5th film is equal to parts 1 & 2 in my opinion. It is a fantastic Sci-Fi Horror film.

I find this film more graphic than the others - that is a fair warning for first time viewers. There is indicated rape, murder, insanity, some blood-letting, among other things that really shows how far Dr. Frankenstein will go to prove himself and his theories true to the medical community - he will stop at nothing.

This film is highly recommend viewing for fans of Hammer Horror and Peter Cushing. It is a most excellent film!


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