Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Brothers Grimm (2005)

An Underrated Fantasy Film

I personally believe this movie is a bit underrated, criticized harshly and unfairly. The Brothers Grimm is quite entertaining - yes it has flaws but so do many films. It is not a perfect movie but it's a pretty good fantasy adventure.

What I did not like about this movie: The Mudd Monster (or whatever it was suppose to be) that was just too much for my taste. And I did not like the literal shattering of the wicked queen witch at the end of the film... the shattering mirror yes, queen no.

What I did like about the film: Everything else. The story was fun. The acting is good. But my favorite part is the visuals - it is visually stimulating (costumes, sets, cinematography, and the action).

Like others that have reviewed this film: I too was reminded of Pirates of the Caribbean when watched The Brothers Grimm.  Hidlick and Bunst reminded me a lot of Pintel and Ragetti. Lena Headey as Angelika is much like Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swann. The French Army is reminiscent of The Royal Navy.

Interesting enough, the Wiki says that Gilliam's first choice for the role of Will Grimm was Johnny Depp. Which is odd since the movie (BG) reminds me of PotC just a little bit. Brothers Grimm is nothing like Pirates of the Caribbean in any way - just some of the characters reminds me of the PotC in a roundabout way.

All in all it's a pretty good fantasy film.


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