Wednesday, July 2, 2014

TRON (1982)

A Neon Wonder

I saw TRON (1982) when it first came out - I was 10 years old. I enjoyed the at home Atari and Intellivision games as well as time in the arcades. I also loved science fiction movies and I was awestruck with TRON (1982)! The movie was breath-taking from the viewpoint of a 10 year old kid in 1982. I did not fully understand the movie at the time because I knew very little about computers outside of what I saw in film and on TV. What I did understand about the movie I liked. And, of course, the amazing neon effects and the action going on in the film.

I re-watched TRON (1982) as an adult and I like the film even more that I did as a 10 year old kid - strange isn't it. As an adult, I know some things about computers now (although I am not a computer whiz) - and with that little bit of computer knowledge I have now I am able to understand and enjoy TRON (1982) so much better as an adult.

The story of TRON (1982) is very good - I find it quite interesting. The special effects were top-of-the-line, cutting edge for 1982 and they still hold up to any modern day effects we see in movies today.

TRON (1982) has never been just an ordinary science fiction film - so I do recommend it to fans of sci-fi, computers and gaming. 
Rated way to low on IMDb - it's  a great movie!


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