Friday, June 27, 2014

The Butterfly Effect (2004)

A Mind-Blowing Film!

This is a film that was recommended to me that I did not think much of at first I sorta blew off for the time being. I ran across the film one day and decided "what the heck I'll watch it". I had zero expectations about the film, really was not sure if I would enjoy it or not. Well, I more than liked the movie - I was totally blown away with it!

The Butterfly Effect is a mind-blowing film! It will have you thinking, guessing, rethinking, and re-guessing throughout the movie. This is another film that you may have to watch twice to fully "get it". It's a very odd film but so good!

I recommend watching this movie without any distractions - it's very detailed and if you miss something then you are lost!


IMDb: The Butterfly Effect (2004)

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