Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Fly (1958)

The "Buzz'"About This Classic Is Good
There is a reason this is still a hyped Sci-Fi Horror of the 1950s. It's first and foremost a Drama but the aspect of the Sci-Fi Horror will take center stage.

It is a very good movie concerning the scientist Andre Delambre and his wife Helene. Helene calls François Delambre, Andre's brother, with some very bad news as the story begins. Later we learn that Andre is working on a teleportation machine, he shows his wife and she is delighted. But one day disaster strikes - it's Andre that it happens to and it concerns a fly.

I find the most haunting scene of all was with the cat. The echo of it's meow when the experiment failed... chilling.

The main differences between The Fly 1958 and 1986 are:

1) 1958 two separate entities (man and fly), 1986 man and fly are fused as one.

2) 1958 is much less graphic but has a more satisfying story. 1986 is more graphic. It is relying more on the special effects than the story but the story is still pretty good but less satisfying. Both films are very tragic and worth watching.

I love both the 1958 and 1986 films but the 1958 has the edge for me personally. I love the way the 1958 story is told and Vincent Price adds an extra special touch.


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