Monday, May 2, 2016

I Was a Teenage Werewolf (1957)

Another Scientifically Created Werewolf

The Werewolf (1956) might have been the first werewolf scientifically created on film. Well, "Teenage Werewolf" is in a similar vein as "The Werewolf" - a doctor has created *gulp* a werewolf out of Tony Rivers (Michael Landon) in order to prove his idea to the rest of the scientific community. The idea is nothing new but the way this film works the idea is good. Very entertaining for fans of classic werewolves/wolfmen stories.

A young Landon does really well in this role. He's quite a good actor, even in his early career. OH and he makes a good creepy teenage werewolf.

This is fun wolfman/werewolf film - I quite enjoyed this one. If you want lots of gore then this film is NOT for you but if you like a fun story then this campy flick might be a treat for you to watch.


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