Friday, December 19, 2014

Wolf Blood (1925)

A Interesting Silent Film

Wolf Blood (1925) is NOT the first werewolf film - that title goes to Universal's long lost film "The Werewolf" (1913). BUT it might be fair to say that Wolf Blood (1925) is the first surviving film concerning lycanthropy and second werewolf film made.

Fun note: It is said that most film historians say that it is Universal's "Werewolf of London" (1935) that is the first werewolf film - yet we have "Wolf Blood (1925) that deals with the subject and before that the long lost film "The Werewolf" (1913).

My problem with Wolf Blood (1925) is that they took too much time to get to the point - it took the first 35 minutes (out of 107 minutes) to get to our "werewolf". We did not need 35 minutes worth of background on "romance" and two rival logging companies because the film's focus is suppose to be on the wolf's blood in the man's veins. We really only needed about 10 to 15 minutes for the background NOT 35 minutes worth - they could have used the extra time to build suspense surrounding the wolf's blood in the man's vein and how it was effecting him psychologically, local superstitions concerning werewolves etc.

Now once we finally got to our "werewolf" the film was pretty good.... just not enough focus on the reason people would want to see the film: lycanthropy - even if it is only in a person's mind.

The movie is however worth watching just because it is the first surviving film on the subject and the second film ever made about it. I do not consider this a horror film - just a drama.


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