Thursday, July 3, 2014

Child's Play (1988)

Not An Original Idea

Killer dolls are not much of an original idea. The Zuni fetish doll from an old TV Movie "Trilogy of Terror (1975)",  House of Evil (1968), Asylum (1972), and I am sure more that is well before the 1988 Child's Play.

The only thing I find scary about Chucky is that he is extremely annoying to me. An annoyance that goes deeper than the fact I wanna slap the stupid looking doll. IDK maybe it's because I've never liked playing with baby dolls as a kid I found them to be annoying too (and I'm a female). Gimme a Zuni fetish doll any day over any baby doll.

Now as far as the story of "Child's Play (1988)" it's not too bad - it is entertaining and the best of the Chucky series. The story is the only reason I'm giving Child's Play 6.5 stars.


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